Dear Badassboxes,
I am I stationed in a real sandy part of Iraq. When we first arrived here it was a bit hot but as of late it has cooled off and I am looking forward to more cooler days and nights. We are staying pretty busy out here which is a good thing and I think I speak for most of the guys out here when I say that I think we would rather be busy than the alternative.
I do miss home as I am sure almost all of us do. I miss good healthy food the most. All of the food the government blesses us with out here was invented by grumpy scientists with burnt taste buds. I miss good food more and more out here, but that’s an easy thing to harp on. I sure do miss my loved ones as well, and I can’t forget about my little dog… and I do mean little. Please don’t judge me for having a small dog; not all amazingly good looking, above average vertical jump, perfect shoulder to waist ratio and a solid hand shake men have “big manly dogs”.
When we receive mail from y’all it sure does mean a lot. I would say that getting mail out here is a huge moral booster for most of the guys out here. Every time we get a package from your organization EVERY single guy out here speed walks/runs to the mail room to see what goodness is now in our reach. Everything you send us goes to good use, and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Your generosity keeps us healthy, happy and ready to fight for our great country. Thank you for what you have done and will continue to do for our platoon and countless others.