We just appreciate everything you’ve done for us and the support you have for us …

We just appreciate everything you’ve done for us and the support you have for us … Badass Boxes has been a force multiplier for this team and even members of our subordinate teams. We honestly can’t thank you enough for everything! … Thank you  and your Team for making this holiday season special for us!
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They definitely raised spirits and seemed to always come at the right times. – testimonial

Thanks for the packages throughout our deployment. They definitely raised spirits and seemed to always come at the right times. It's cool to see the effort and care that goes in to them. The next platoon deploying here is in badass time. Thanks again.
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Mail comes slow, but care packages make it a good day – slider testimonial

Mail comes in pretty slow here so when we get a bunch of care packages like that it’s always a good day and everyone can’t wait to see what’s inside!
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It really means the world to hear from some true americans – testimonial slider

It really means the world to hear from some true Americans that they appreciate what we do. People like you are the reason that we do what we do.
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We just got a shipment and thank you, legos are a great break – slider testimonial

We just got our first shipment of your care packages and I wanted to say thanks. The food was a great change and we had a blast building the legos that you sent us. It was a great break from the day to day monotony. We are grateful for whatever you can send.
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Grip of boxes today with your sweet logos on them. decorations and movies – slider testimonial

We totally got a grip of boxes today with the sweet logos on them. 12 in all. Everything from Xmas decorations to the Hard drive with movies. Thanks agin for that. All boys are super jazzed at the remote control car as well.
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We just got 3 boxes and people are insanely happier – slider testimonial

I am so happy to say we just got 3 boxes. All mountain house. The boys are crushing them. People are insanely happier. The rest of the mail should filter in shortly.
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Every guy speed walks when we see your boxes come – grateful from the bottom of our hearts – slider testimonial

Every time we get a package from your organization EVERY single guy out here speed walks/runs to the mail room to see what goodness is now in our reach. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Your generosity keeps us healthy, happy and ready to fight for our great country.
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Adult men act like children – slider testimonial

I've never seen adult men act like children on Christmas the way we do out here whenever the mail shows up. There is no doubt that care packages from loved ones and thoughtful organizations like yours are the single best morale booster we have out here
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I feel like santa when i bring the mail to the guys – testimonial

When I bring the mail back to base and there are boxes for the group it's like I'm Santa. Seriously, the moral of everyone goes way up because everyone gets a little something. Normal mail is sent to one guy, some guys don’t get much, but yours provides stuff for everyone to get excited about.
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Life is like a box of badass boxes bringing all joy – slider testimonial

Life is like a box of your basassboxes out here, they bring joy to every single one of us out here. We love opening up your care packages and seeing your time and effort in choosing what goes into these boxes.
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Single guy still gets packages – testimonial

As a single guy with not much family I didn’t expect to be opening much mail this deployment, but your packages were an unexpected surprise.
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