Feels like children on christmas when the boxes come – testimonial

To the good folks at BadAssBoxes.org,

I just wanted to send a quick note and a huge THANK YOU for everything you have done for us. Being deployed definitely makes us appreciate the small comfort items that we don’t think about back home. As a result, the boxes you send, full of stuff like candles (it stinks out here), snacks, dip, and babywipes, are a big deal out here and make life a lot easier on a daily basis. In fact, there is no doubt that the happiest days out here are the ones during which we get shipments of mail. I’ve never seen adult men act like children on Christmas the way we do out here whenever the mail shows up. There is no doubt that care packages from loved ones and thoughtful organizations like yours are the single best morale booster we have out here. We really appreciate everything that you do for us and our brothers while we’re deployed, and I want to make sure you know that your efforts have a significant impact on our ability to stay focused and happy out here as the days get long and time away from families starts to wear on everyone. Thanks again for everything.